
Physical Therapy

After a comprehensive clinical evaluation, an individualized plan of care is developed for each patient. Goals are reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that patients are making gains in the areas of life that are most important to them.

Individual Wellness

Typically following a physical therapy plan of care, clients can choose to continue on their journey of good health and function with a supervised wellness package. The first option is one on one wellness in which the program is tailored specifically to the individual and guided by a highly skilled clinician.

Group Wellness

(COMING SOON) Our other wellness option is in the group format. Clients with a similar diagnosis and functional level are joined together to participate in various forms of exercise. These classes are not only proven to be beneficial, they also allow for camaraderie.

Home Care Visits

Some patients have difficulty leaving their home for various reasons. At Synapse, we believe that shouldn’t limit their ability to receive expert led therapy sessions. Please call regarding availability.

Telehealth Appointments

In these trying times, we believe that therapy needs to be available to as many patients as possible. This is why telehealth services are also offered at Synapse Neuro Rehab. Whether a patient’s health is compromised or travel to our locations is too difficult, virtual therapy appointments are very effective in addressing a range of impairments.